Albatrosses | Petrels and relatives | Gannets and Boobies | Frigatebirds | Pelicans | Cormorants | Darter | Skuas and Jaegers | Gulls and Terns | Stone Curlews | Oystercatchers | Stilts and Avocets | Practincoles | Plovers | Painted Snipe | Jacanas | Sandpipers and relatives | Ducks, Swans and Geese | Grebes | Herons | Ibis and Spoonbills | Cranes | Storks | Crakes, Rails and Waterfowl | Emus and Cassowary | Megapodes | Landfowl | Hawks and Eagles | Owls | Frogmouths and Nightjars | Owlet-nightjars | Parrots | Pigeons and Doves | Cuckoos | Kingfishers | Swifts | Swallows and Martins | Pittas | Lyrebirds | Logruinners | Bristlebirds | Scrub-birds | Australasian Warblers | Pardalotes | Fairy-wrens | Grasswrens | Honeyeaters | Quail-thrushes and relatives | Babblers | Treecreepers | Cuckoo-shrikes and Trillers | Woodswallows | Butcherbirds and relatives | Ravens and Crows | Birds of Paradise | Bowerbirds | Orioles and Figbirds | Flycatchers | Australian Robins | Whistlers and relatives | Sunbirds and Flower-peckers | White-eyes | Old World Warblers | Larks | Pipits | Wagtails | Thrushes | Old World Chats and relatives | Mynas and Starlings | Shrikes | Finches | Exotic Sparrows and relatives |